Mid-life: A Difficult but Necessary Period of Transition

Mid-life is a time of transition and during this period of crisis you are eager for new beginnings… but how?

You're under the impression of journeying into the darkness of the night or in a black tunnel with no tangible barriers other than your life-history as guidance.

You are insecure and full of doubts about yourself, about your abilities; trusting in life becomes an issue.

You feel the urgency of making radical changes or decisions, yet you hesitate as you ignore the future outcome.

On the other end, you know that if you risk nothing – you will gain nothing…

Most of us begin our adult journey with high aspirations, we expect to work hard, make money, accumulate things, have loving families and enjoy life. For many, those dreams turn to nightmares before the midpoint of life.

I’ve translated this French poem from Michèle Roberge, the author of the book "Tant d’hivers au coeur du changement".

As you read it, you will recognize the feelings encountered during this difficult but necessary period of transition.


Damn winter…! Damn roaming!

So much time wasted not knowing what to do:

Emptiness, margin, discomfort, indecision

Period of stagnation, hesitation, fog and doubts

Period of emptiness, wasted time…

Damn roaming! I want to desperately see the end

I want to journey out….finally!

Why such a tribute to winter,

In this life-time period of pause?

Damn season or season unappreciated?

Despicable season or season despised?

Unknown season or a season to rediscover?

A season we must acknowledge.

Owner of this photo is unknown to me; I will gladly take off if copyright is disrespected from my part


À chacun sa mission - Découvrir son projet de vie by Jean Mombourquette Ph.D. Novalis 1999

Quitte ton pays - L'aventure de la vie spirituelle by Jean-Guy St-Arnaud, MédiasPaul 2001

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.


Women experience stress in their lives when trying to find a balance between the many roles that they perform. Learn several stress management techniques to help women cope with mid-life crisis.


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Being a self-made type of woman, I came up with my own menopause solutions, to reduce menopausal symptoms and grow old gracefully.


We take the mystery out of the changes that happen to men in midlife, and show you how to not only how get through them, but make the second half of your life better than the first.
